Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Defying Gravity!

I know it may not be the right time for Halloween layouts but that is the idea that came to my mind when I saw the template made by Scrapping With Liz for her June Blog Challenge.

A few elements and one of the background papers are from
"Secret Garden" by SussieM
"The Sweetest Kingdom" by SussieM

Most of the elements and the main background paper are from
"Scary Night" by SussieM
"Vampire Diary" by SussieM and
"Witching Hour" by SussieM 

Rainbow Magic

    На форуме Scrapbookgraphics в Июне для конкурса-челленджа выложили роскошный шаблон - люблю шаблоны для больших фотографий, где можно скрапнуть пейзаж, группу людей, что-то более масштабное. Отложила кучу фотографий, но в итоге остановилась на фотографии аж четырехлетней давности. Кстати, ту сессию, осеннюю с радугами, я выкладывала здесь.
Вот что получилось:

Background paper is composed of the papers from
"The Poet's Keepsakes" by Lorie Davison "Falling Leaves Autumn Tea" by Lorie Davison and"Prairie Gal" by Lorie Davison
The other papers are from
"Flitting Fall Faeries" by Lorie Davison and "Prairie Gal" by Lorie Davison

The rainbow is from
"I do Believe" by NewlifeDreams Designs

The tag is from
"Where To Now, Dreamer?" by Lorie Davison
The iron something holding the tag, the vine, the Dragon, the branch with bright yellow leaves (in the left bottom corner), the cobweb and the reddish leaves are from
"Turning Leaf Apothecary" by Lorie Davison
The chain and the nest are from
"The Poet's Keepsakes" by Lorie Davison
The metal details holding the photo are from
"Prairie Gal" by Lorie Davison
The pink faded flowers are from
"Falling Leaves Autumn Tea" by Lorie Davison
The twig is from
"Before The First Snow" by Lorie Davison
The pixie playing the flute and the numbers are from
"Faerily Moonlit" by Lorie Davison
The rest of the elements are from
"Flitting Fall Faeries" by Lorie Davison